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On the Other Side of Pain

As we approach Christmas, awaiting the gifts from Santa underneath the tree, but most importantly, awaiting the celebration of the birth of Christ, I am seeing more and more each day the word "anticipation." I reflected on anticipation during an advent experience about two weeks ago. I've heard it in church. I've seen it in magazines. I feel as though this is something ordinary that has been discussed every year. Somehow, I feel as though I missed it in years past. This year, that word-it is standing out to me as I await new things. Yet sometimes what we anticipate…

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I Stole a Bra

Yes, I stole a bra, but let me explain. After my friend and I had enjoyed a light lunch at our new local eatery, we decided to spend a few minutes meandering the shops before carpool beckoned. The sun was out, the sky was blue, the shops were open. All was calm as we wandered from shop to shop. Then it happened. “Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!! I’ve stolen a bra!” I screamed. Having just left the first boutique without splashing any cash, I pushed open the door of our next fashion emporium. Time slowed as I noticed the rather ugly bra dangling from my wrist…

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What to Do When We Say, “Yes, but God…”

This week I haven’t had it within me to say yes to God and His promises. Where I should have shouted a resounding yes, I’ve defiantly mumbled a yes but. Do you know that feeling? When you’re overwhelmed, hurt, or can’t catch your breath, hundreds of reasons why this promise doesn’t apply to you race through your mind, and every fiber of your being screams YES, BUT. Yes but…You don’t understand. Yes but…this is different. Yes but…I’m not good enough. Yes but…this is just too big. I find myself yes-butting God on a daily basis don’t you? Me: I’m a hot mess. My…

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When Motherhood is Hard…There is Help

  Motherhood, while very rewarding sometimes, can also be one of the most difficult jobs in the world. It takes a village to raise a child, and on the difficult days it might seem like you are your very own village, because this job can be just. so. hard. But what if I said that there are people who can help you? What if there were extra resources that could give you winning ideas to succeed at parenting on most days? Would you like a little help minimizing the hard stuff and maximizing the wonderful stuff involved in motherhood? If…

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When You Lose the Will to Live

A story I read in June this year still plays in my mind.  A police officer drove his car into sea at Discovery Bay in St. Ann.  That he attempted suicide is startling but not as shocking as what happened next.  Residents who saw the car being driven into the sea managed to rescue the man before the car was fully submerged and called the police department.  But before the police arrived on the scene, the man rushed back into the sea and has not been seen or heard from since.  What touched me about this story was how determined this man was to…

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