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The Busy Mom’s Guide to a Faith-Focused Summer

Every summer I love making sure my kids are filled to the brim with opportunities to learn.  We read, we journal a bit.  If I'm on top of my game, we might do a couple of science experiments, play a couple of math games, and maybe even learn something about social studies.  My goal in attempting to keep up with summer learning is to ensure that their brains continue to work and grow and learn so that they return to school in the fall with an advantage and not below the curve following summer "brain drain."  (In fact, I've shared for…

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June 2016 Monthly Menu (FREE Printable!)

I apologize for skipping the monthly menu printable last month.  Time slipped away from me!  The good news is that I have put together June's monthly menu, and though it is a little bit late, it's here nonetheless!  As always, if some of the recipes from this month's menu sound like something you'd like to try, just let me know and I'll send you the link.  And if you're lucky, I'll post a recipe or two from the menu to share with you. Enjoy!

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On Summer Routines {FREE Printable!}

Still experimenting with whether or not my nine-year old has Inattentive Type ADHD, I've found it extremely helpful to develop regular routines to keep her organized and functioning at her best.  I myself function better with routines; it's less likely that I'll forget something, for one, and it gives me a slight sense of control over my life. I have to say it's much easier to function on routine during the school months.  The school day has already been decided for us, and the routines that my kids follow at school don't have to be planned out by me.  And while…

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April 2016 Monthly Menu (FREE Printable!)

Well, it's that time again!  April's monthly menu is here!  As always, if some of the recipes from this month's menu sound like something you'd like to try, just let me know and I'll send you the link.  And if you're lucky, I'll post a recipe or two from the menu to share with you. Enjoy!

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A Little Bit of Happy Mail

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I received free product in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.  You can view my full disclosure policy here. A little bit of happy mail goes a long way. At least in my book. Nothing beats having a handwritten card or a box in the mailbox.  (Even better is a box that doesn't fit in the mailbox, but I'll take what I can get!)  That's why I'm all about subscription boxes.  We don't usually subscribe to any, because we are trying to limit our expenditures.  But when we are able…

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