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You Can’t Reach the Stars if You Don’t Know How to Get There

In the last year I've heard, read, and seen over and over again how important it is to set goals to reach your dreams. Did you know that... People who regularly write down their goals earn 9 times more over their lifetimes than those who don't 80% of Americans down't write down their goals (are you part of that 80%?) 16% do have goals, but they don't write them down Less than 4% do write down their goals Fewer than 1% actually review them on an ongoing basis.  Guess which 1%? I did some training last year that was very…

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Blogs You Must Follow

So...I was actually going to post about Black History Month, which begins today.  But as I was doing some research, I realized that what I really wanted to do was going to be a bit more involved than what I had planned on.  So I had to come up with something else. Waaay back when I was in high school, I had a blog on Digital Expressions, where I was one of the top bloggers.  Of course, back then, I was just writing to write, I had more time, and I'm pretty sure "blogging" wasn't even a term yet. Skip…

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7 Things You Need to Know About Staying in a Hotel

I had every intention of pre-posting for this weekend, but nothing worked out the way I planned.  One thing I did discover this weekend is that neither Wendy nor Cinderella has ever stayed in a hotel before!  What an interesting experience.  They were so excited. Needless to say, I needed to give them the scoop.  And what better subject to post on since I had to brainstorm anyway.  No sense in wasting precious brain power!  So here are the rules I laid out for them: 1) Never leave the room without your room key! 2) Do not order room service. 3) Don't…

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How to Live Your Life

If there's anything that I learned about my uncle, whether throughout my life or just from the days after his passing, is that he lived a great life.  I'd have to say that, out of the three mortal men I admire the most, my uncle is one of them, preceded only by my grandpa, my father, and my husband. My uncle lived his life to the fullest.  Whenever he had the chance to laugh, he did.  If anyone could shine a light into a dark situation, he could.  He was loud when he wanted to be but quiet when he…

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When Mommy Goes Away…

...the kids will play.  In this case, 5 of them.  Unless you count the pets--then there are 7.  I hate to imagine what my house looked like while I was gone, but I am told that it was cleaned up before I came home.  (And you should have seen how it looked when I got back!) I have the feeling that Cinderella fed her two youngest sisters junk food throughout the days I was gone.  I haven't asked if the kids had baths, but I'm not sure I want to know.  Rapunzel said she brushed her own hair.  I'm afraid…

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