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Anything: A Book Review

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a percentage of each sale when you make a purchase using these links; however, I fully support and recommend each of these products.  You can view my full disclosure policy here. I recently finished my second Jennie Allen book.  After reading Restless at the beginning of this year (I think it was this year anyway), I was excited to read another of Jennie's books, this one called Anything.  Anything was originally published in 2012 but was re-released this year on June 9 to include a new introduction as well as an added Bible study component. Anything is partly a story…

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Same Grace: An Imperfect Mom Confessional

Hey everyone!  I am so EXCITED today, because I'm over at Busy Being Blessed sharing my ultimate WORST.  Mommy Fail.  EVER. (Excited for the post, mind you.  Not the mommy fail part.) So without further ado (because I know time is precious!), here is a little excerpt: If I ever had a Mommy Fail moment, this was it.  I felt like such a failure as a mother—like I had not cared for the gifts God had given me.  Still when I think of this, I feel disappointment with myself. But what I have to remind myself every time is this:…

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Parental Control Board: An App Review

Disclosure: This post has been sponsored by Parental Control Board. This means that I received compensation for this blog post; however, all opinions are my own. This post may also contain affiliate links. For more information, please read my full disclosure here. Did you know... 75% of all kids own or have access to mobile devices at home? 8-18 year-olds spend an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes a day on screens, which totals more than 53 hours a week. If you include "media multitasking" (like texting while watching TV), they truly accumulate a total of 10 hours and…

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A Day in the Life of a Stay at Home Mom

So before I jump right into the workings of my life, I wanted to say first and foremost that I don't really consider myself a stay at home mom. I am actually more of like a work at home mom, but for those that work outside the home and/or don't really know the difference: I stay at home, yes, but I work from home as well--as a blogger and an author. As there were a number of stay at home jobs that I had the possibility of taking up, I picked up side jobs like babysitting and helping my dad…

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Goal Setting: Week of September 20, 2015

Once again, it's been a week that went its own way, as one kid spent 3 days at home with a fever this week, so I ended up making another trip to the doctor's office.  Shockingly I managed to get a couple of things done, but not nearly as much as I'd hoped.  Here's how I did this week: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (2/7) Mental: Journal (3/7) Physical: Drink soda only 2 days 4 c. of water daily (5/7) Exercise (2/7) Family: Devotions with Prince Charming (1/7) Devotions with Babies (3/7) 1 hour with Prince Charming Spend time with…

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