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Goal Setting: Week of July 26, 2015

Okay, so this week wasn't quite as bad as last week with accomplishing goals, but it still wasn't great either.  What I really need to do is focus on my prayer time and my physical goals.  I'm really feeling sluggish right now, so what I'm doing currently needs to stop.  I didn't quite get all the cleaning and ironing done, but I also did 4 extra loads of sheets and blankets (thanks to Rapunzel), crushed 2 large trash bags of aluminum cans, and swept the basement stairs, so I figure it's a wash. Here's how I did with everything else:…

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Small Shop Saturday: Featuring Little Bits Homemade

Today, I am so SO excited to do my very first Small shop Saturday and to feature one of my friends from high school!  Sara and I were in a sewing class together and, thanks to Facebook, we've been able to keep in touch.  So when I decided to feature a small shop, naturally she was the first person who came to mind.  What I'd like to do is introduce Sara and her business partner, Kayla, and let them tell you about their business in a little Q&A session.  Make sure you read through to the end, because there is a special…

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How to Train Your Dragon 2: A Movie Review

Last weekend, for family movie night, my husband decided to take advantage of a Netflix free trial so we could watch something that we haven't watched a thousand times already (you know, like Frozen).  (And we didn't have a free Redbox code, so that was out of the question.) After flipping through the kids movies for a while, we came across How to Train Your Dragon 2.  Now, I'm sure I have watched How to Train Your Dragon, but I really don't remember anything about it.  I'm not really sure why that is, but in any case I agreed to the second…

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Making the Most 101: 8 Things You Wanted to Know About the Blog

What is a blog? According to, a blog is a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites. These can be personal journals open for family to read online, political articles, recipe pages, craft pages, etc. Most bloggers make use of the skills of accomplished web designers to help them with the creation or renovation of their websites. Bloggers are a good area of business for web designers and so they should consider setting up portfolios to help attract more bloggers to their services -…

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4 Reasons I Plan My Week in Advance

Some people think I'm crazy when I tell them I plan my week in advance. I've been doing this for two years in a row now, and I did it when I was in college. I intend to keep doing it, too. Before I started doing this I would get overwhelmed by the lack of predictability and the way things used to mount up. I'd constantly run out of time to get things done and have a constant nagging fear that something had been left unfinished. I would rely on stress medications like the cbd concentrates canada specializes in, just…

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