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Scripture Sunday: Love+Fear

Because my upcoming book is about fear and we just celebrated Valentine's Day, I thought this verse appropriate for today: There is no fear in love.  But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.  We love because he first loved us. - 1 John 4:18-19

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Week in Review: Week of February 8, 2015

Yet another week has past, and here we are again.  Not much to say today; it seems like all of these weeks run together, and never do I accomplish everything I want.  Here's what I accomplished this week anyway: Spiritual: Devotions (4/7) Mental: Read 30 minutes Spend 1 hour to myself Physical: Exercise 2 days No seconds Healthy snacks only Family: Devotions with Prince Charming (1/7) Devotions with babies (1/7) 1 hour with Prince Charming Spend time with Rapunzel Spend time with Princess Anna Finish Winter bucket list Career: Train my replacement at work 2 blog posts (MTM) Redirect 1 page…

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Work in Progress Wednesday: Monthly Menu Planning

I was so excited this morning to find out that we have food money.  I don't think I've ever been so excited about something so seemingly small, but we've really been struggling, and I am so thankful that we can finally put food on the table without worrying about eating the same thing every day or if there will be enough for all of us. I was so excited, in fact, I wasted no time in setting up our menu for the next month.  The money will last us about a month, so I planned from today's date for about…

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It’s Still Winter: A Bucket List and Some Other Things…

It's raining today. And icy. And gloomy. I am naturally a pessimist, but I don't like gloom.  I don't like dark and dreary and things dragging me down and negativity.  I think that's because I know that, the more I'm around it, the more it brings me down.  And the longer I'm down the worse I get.  So needless to say, since I can't control the weather, I'm feeling somewhat gloomy.  Like an Eeyore. No offense to Eeyore, but I'd rather not be him.  I'd rather be like Pooh.  Or even Olaf-like.  (Can you tell we watch a lot of…

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Thursday Recipe: Cheesy Potato Soup

I am so excited for next Thursday, because one of my favorite recipes is on the menu!  I posted this last year around this time, but I don't believe you can post this recipe too many times.  It is SO good!  And next week I am making it especially for my sister, who will be in town and hasn't tried it before.  Not only that, I'll also be making bread bowls to go with it, which only makes the yummy goodness even better!  Now I'm making myself hungry... This is a great recipe for a really cold day--especially if you…

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