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Super Summer 2014 Is Almost Here!

Before I even knew it, June was upon me!  I always feel like I'm in a frenzy, trying to get things done.  Working.  Driving the kids.  Other work.  Soccer.  Cooking.  Cleaning.  Taking care of the kids.  More chores.  Groceries.  Working.  You know. So many of you have already entered the blissfulness of kids-are-home-for-the summer.  For some of you this might be wonderful.  For others, this may be terrifying.  I have a love-hate relationship with school summer vacation.  Yes, I love being able to do things with my family.  But I have to say I really DO NOT like to take…

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Planning Summer: Getting Outside

Another item of great importance to me and my parenting style is exercise. I have always struggled with my weight, and there are several weight-related diseases that run in my family. It is my goal to encourage active behavior early in life so that my kids live a healthy lifestyle as adults. Because of that, I like to make sure I get the kids outside to play, one way I'm trying to get them interested in various sports is letting them personalize custom kids jersey for sportswear themselves, in hopes that they become motivated by their new clothes to enjoy…

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Planning for Summer: Being Creative

One of the most important things to me when parenting my children is encouraging their creativity and the creative process.  Since the start of my parenting journey, I've been all for creative play: less about the toys that do things for you and more about the dolls and legos, crayons, paper, etc.  Apparently I did a good job of this too, because my kids have this knack for making just about anything using paper and an ENTIRE roll of tape. So that being said, of course I am all for encouraging creativity throughout the summer.  Here are some of the…

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Favorite Apps: Apps That Save You Money

Since our budget has fluctuated so much in the last few months, I've been attempting to become a little more frugal with the little bit of money that we have so that what we have might stretch a long way. Of course I've received much help from my coupon-fanatic best friend of 15 years and some extremely helpful websites similar to CreditAssociates for an example, a service that aids people in relieving their debts (I'll share those at another time), but I definitely appreciate the little helpers that I can carry with me everywhere right on my phone. Even getting…

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Sometimes You Just Need a Day Off

For those working Momma's out there...sometimes...(and I hope you realize it) you just need a day off. If I share anything in common with any of the other working moms out there in the world, I could probably bet that many of you hate taking a day off. For some of you, it just means there's that much to catch up on when you get back to work. For others, it might mean that you're short on pay for a day. I have been both of those. The latter is a real issue whether you're a working mother or not;…

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