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Sore Throats Soothers

I had every intention of writing last week, but alas, my plans were foiled once again. I hope all of you out there in the world had a better week than I did! My week started out with an infection, mid-way through I caught the stomach bug, and on Friday I picked up a sore throat...which I found out today is strep throat. Which I also found out today Rapunzel has...along with pinkeye. We are just a mess over here. I think I will be disinfecting my house soon. Although there are remedies that you can take at home (which…

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A Disney Frozen Birthday: Party Invitations

I’m so excited–my Disney Frozen Thank You postcards have been selling great on Etsy!  These are my first Etsy sales, so I’m super excited!  Thanks to everyone who has stopped by to check them out. Because they are doing so well, I wanted to make a complementary invitation to go with them.  They may be purchased individually or as a set on my Etsy shop: - Invitation - Set Let me know what you think!  The first three people who comment on this post will receive a free copy in their email.  Thanks again for your awesome support

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Cabin Fever – A Bucket List

Well, it's started... The big snow has begun, and we're waiting for anywhere from 6 to 12 inches of snow.  School is cancelled already for tomorrow, and we are anticipating yet another snow day--trapped inside, away from the bitter cold.  I've lost track of the number of snow days we've had already--enough to take away almost all of the school's remaining days off and bordering adding time to the school day or going until the end of June.  I anxiously await the picking at each other and the inevitable..."I'M BORED!" So in anticipation of yet another snow day, I put…

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Cheesy Potato Soup

I don't know how the weather has been for you, but it's been bitter here--cold, snowy, name the winter weather, we've got it.  I'm well over it by this point, but what can you do?  On Thursday, we beat the cold with some hot yummy goodness called Cheesy Potato Soup.  I pinned this recipe from Lil' Luna quite a while back, and Thursday was the second time I made this.  This is one of my family's very favorite, and I swear I could probably eat five bowls of this stuff if I weren't trying to lose weight.  They're even better in…

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A Disney Frozen Birthday

Yesterday, we celebrated Princess Anna's birthday. Her birthday is actually in the summer, but having had a summer birthday, I know many people will be out of town for her birthday. Because of that reason, I wanted to make sure she had a successful birthday, so we just celebrated 6 months early. As a family, we will celebrate on her birthday, but her friends were able to celebrate with her this weekend. Her newest favorite Disney character is Princess Anna. If you couldn't tell. Anyway, because her favorite character is Princess Anna, of course we had to have a Disney…

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