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Reading List Review: October 2015

So I didn't read nearly as much as I did in August, but one of the books I am currently reading is extremely long, so that has been taking up a lot of my time.  For the rest of the year, I am going to attempt to read 3 or 4 more books per month so I can at least get through the books I wanted to read by the end of the year.  The books on deck will be added to the top of my list for next year (which I hope is full of reading!).  I have also been…

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Reading List Review: September 2015

I was so excited to get so much reading done this month!  Four of the books I finished were part of my research for my upcoming book, and two of them I did for book reviews.  You can find my review of Through a Man's Eyes by clicking here.  As of right now, I only have one more research book to finish before I can dive back into writing, and I should be finishing that book this week.  Don't be too sad, but my reading may be down next month since my focus will be on writing this month.  Anyway, without…

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Reading List Review: August 2015

I definitely tricked myself this month.  I thought I hardly read anything, when in fact I finished a whole bunch of books at the beginning of the month.  So now that I'm feeling a bit better about my reading for the last month... Here's what I read during the month of July: Not Even a Hint by Joshua Harris The Sexually Confident Wife by Shannon Ethridge Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman Start: Punch Fear in the Face by Jonathan Acuff Just Courage: God's Great Expedition for the Restless Christian by Gary A. Haugen What I'm Reading Now: Straight Talk by Joyce…

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4 Reasons I Plan My Week in Advance

Some people think I'm crazy when I tell them I plan my week in advance. I've been doing this for two years in a row now, and I did it when I was in college. I intend to keep doing it, too. Before I started doing this I would get overwhelmed by the lack of predictability and the way things used to mount up. I'd constantly run out of time to get things done and have a constant nagging fear that something had been left unfinished. I would rely on stress medications like the cbd concentrates canada specializes in, just…

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Reading List Review: July 2015

This month went very well for my book appetite.  Not only did I read a lot, but also learned a lot, which changed the way I see my prayer life and my marriage.  I'd have to say that The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson and For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn were the most transformational, so I highly recommend you take the time to read those two.  (And if you're a man, read For Men Only by Shaunti Feldhahn.)  I look forward to reading more books this month to improve the intimacy in my marriage this month as well as some more books…

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