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Tips & Tricks Tuesday {Linkup!}: Featuring 20 Apps for Children with Learning Disabilities

Thanks for joining me for Tips & Tricks Tuesday Linkup #5!  This week, it was so hard to choose a feature, but I really did love this post by The Transplanted Southerner, which shares a long list of great educational apps for children with learning disabilities; however, this list is not limited to those children.  Any child can enjoy many of these apps.  I encourage you to stop by her blog and check out the list.  Download the apps that you think will work best for your kids. While you're here, please take the time to drop by some of the…

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Dear Bio Mom: 8 Things You Need to Know About Co-Parenting with a Stepmom

I realize that not every step-parenting situation is the same. Some biological mothers have passed away, some are absent. While these situations may be your situation, this post is targeted to reflect the step-mother who is actively involved with her stepchildren on an everyday basis, whether her visits are once a year or daily. I am a stepmom too, which is why I am sharing my experiences with you. For the biological mom, I also realize that not every parenting situation is the same. Some step-parents are genuinely not good people and are not looking out for the best interests…

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Scripture Sunday: 1 Peter 5:8

"Stay alert!  Watch out for your great enemy, the devil.  He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour." - 1 Peter 5:8 This verse has come across my path a lot lately--even moreso in the last week or so.  So I felt it appropriate to share with you this week as a reminder that we are constantly under attack from Satan.  He is always seeking ways in which he can bring us down. Last week I asked how God is changing your heart to do what's right, and I think this goes along with that.  My mother-in-law…

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Goal Setting: Week of August 16, 2015

Wow!  Compared to the last few weeks, this week was amazing!  I'm not sure how, but I got so much done around the house and personally, and much of it was done before 11:15 each morning!  I even cleaned the kitchen, straightened up the office some, went to the grocery store and put away groceries, and had lot's of time leftover to read!  Let's hope this continues.  Let's review: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (3/7) Physical: 1 soda every 2 days 4 c. of water daily Exercise (2/7) Family: Devotions with Prince Charming (1/7) Devotions with Babies (3/7) 1…

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Thursday’s Recipe: Chocolate Chip Cake

If you couldn't tell between this recipe and last week's, I am most definitely a chocolate lover.  If it's chocolate, chances are, I'll probably love it.  This recipe happens to be one that I've been making for well over 10 years.  I started baking it when I used to babysit.  We'd be bored over the summer and spend lots of time baking.  When I ran across this recipe, it became a favorite, and I've made it countless times since.  We used to add icing to it, but it tends to be much too sweet (at least for my tastes).  It…

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