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Don’t Give Up: A Lesson in Perseverance

Lately, I really feel like God has really been putting the topic of persistence on my heart.  It first came up when I read the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18:2-6.  Here's how my Bible reads: "...In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought.  And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, 'Grant me justice against my adversary.' For some time he refused.  But finally he said to himself, 'Even though I don't fear God or care what people think, yet because…

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Finding Gratitude in the Midst of Turmoil

"Yes!  The Lord has done amazing things for us!  What joy!" - Psalm 126:3 When I read this verse today (and presumably when I highlighted it), I immediately thought of everything that God has done in our lives.  You almost can't help it when you read this verse.  The excitement with the exclamation!  The word choices!  You can't help but get excited too! It is true that we're struggling financially right now. And it's true that we've had to make major changes in our lives over the last year, and it has truly been tough. And it's so hard for…

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When Friendship Doesn’t Come Easy

I hope I'm not the only one when I say this, but I think making friends is hard.  It was hard in junior high, it was hard in college, and it's hard now.  I went to Mom & Me Camp with my youngest daughter this weekend, and I felt like I was 12 again: unsure of what to say, afraid of looking stupid, just desperate for a friend.  My little girl made friends in 20 minutes.  I'm still not sure if I made friends or not. But one thing I know for sure: I am desperate for them.  Friendships, I…

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Run to Jesus

"I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it.  Instead, I do what I hate." - Romans 5:17 Regardless of your sin, don't you often find yourself thinking these same sentiments that Paul wrote thousands of years ago?  It can be as simple as eating that extra piece of chocolate.  I know it goes: "Oooh, chocolate." "No.  I can't have that." "But it looks so good." "Nope, can't do it." "But it's just one piece." "Oh, okay, one piece won't hurt." Even when we know we're supposed to be feeding ourselves…

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Hope for When You Can’t Pay the Bills

If I'm going to be honest on this blog, I have to tell you two things: I didn't have a plan for a post today. Even if I did, I'm too stressed out and all over the place to follow a plan anyway. Money is tight over here. I'm sure I'm not the only woman on the planet who is stressed about money. At one point or another we all end up asking ourselves questions like "how to pay off debt quickly". There's no shame in looking for financial advice where debts are concerned but knowing where to start is…

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