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Goals: Week of February 3, 2013

I'm scrambling to write these down, as I spent so much time working with the kids on Valentines and going through my email that now I'm chomping at the bit to get some other things done. Anyway, I haven't posted goals since I closed my last blog, but seeing as I just posted yesterday on goals...I should start sharing them.  So here goes the goals for this week: Spiritual: Complete personal devotions every day Complete devotions with Prince Charming every day Family/Kids: Spend 3 hours this week with each child (this is a lot for me, sadly enough) Do something…

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You Can’t Reach the Stars if You Don’t Know How to Get There

In the last year I've heard, read, and seen over and over again how important it is to set goals to reach your dreams. Did you know that... People who regularly write down their goals earn 9 times more over their lifetimes than those who don't 80% of Americans down't write down their goals (are you part of that 80%?) 16% do have goals, but they don't write them down Less than 4% do write down their goals Fewer than 1% actually review them on an ongoing basis.  Guess which 1%? I did some training last year that was very…

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Welcoming 2013: My Hopes and Dreams for the New Year

Well happy new year, everybody!  I hope all of you had a safe and joyous end of 2012 and that you welcome 2013 with open arms.  I know I am!  Every year, I have high expectations and this year is no different.  I've been a resolution person ever since I can remember.  This year I'm sharing them with you; however, I've cut down my list.  Hopefully it's a little more manageable this year, because I often have such high standards that I never follow through with my resolution at all.  Well, here goes anyway: 2013 Resolutions: Lose 52 pounds (that's…

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If You Could Sum Up 2012 in One Word…

...what would it be? For me, I'd have to say conflicted. Initially, I wanted to say that it was "discouraging".  It was disappointing, frustrating, sad.  I was appalled by the insensitivity of people who were supposed to protect me.  I lost my job.  Many of our friends separated and/or divorced.  My uncle was diagnosed with cancer.  Money was tight.  We spent over $950 on Prince Charming's truck, our dog has ear mites, my medication costs went up, and our dishwasher broke.  When it rains, it pours.  Children died.  People were killed.  We lost some friends to vicious diseases. BUT THEN... I…

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