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The Painful Truth About Asking for Help

Today at church we went through what I will call an exercise in casting out sinful behaviors to make room for a better relationship with Christ. I can't really explain it very well, but I'm not here to talk about that; I wanted to talk about what came out of it. As we renounced our sinful behaviors and allowed the Holy Spirit to work within us, I was feeling somewhat stuck...
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Welcoming 2020

Yet another year has passed, and here I am on the first of the year again wondering where the year went and why I haven't written. I was talking to a friend recently, expressing to her that my blog has really just become me wanting to make money off of a blog and really just "marketing" it, rather than sharing more of my thoughts and feelings as I originally intended.
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24 Books to Read in 2019

It looks like I'm a running a little bit behind this year, but, well, better late than never, they say. I'm determined to blog whenever I have the chance this year, so while it may be sporadic, I'll be happy just to post whatever I can whenever I can. And I hope you enjoy it every time. So without further ado...the post and the list.
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Anticipating Rest

Rest is yet another subject that has been coming to my attention for the last few months. I needed it for sure when I lost my job in August. God provided. I got a new job, and I imagined it would be busy. But God provided rest. At times while working, He has blessed me with rest with classes that weren’t so intensive. But right now, though I am not stressed at work, I am stressed with my current classes. So much reading, so many detailed assignments. But as of today, I have two more assignments to complete—and four days…

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On the Other Side of Pain

As we approach Christmas, awaiting the gifts from Santa underneath the tree, but most importantly, awaiting the celebration of the birth of Christ, I am seeing more and more each day the word "anticipation." I reflected on anticipation during an advent experience about two weeks ago. I've heard it in church. I've seen it in magazines. I feel as though this is something ordinary that has been discussed every year. Somehow, I feel as though I missed it in years past. This year, that word-it is standing out to me as I await new things. Yet sometimes what we anticipate…

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