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Reviewing a Year of Goals (2014)

Last year, I decided I wanted to be intentional. As I said yesterday, I feel I did a fairly decent job of being intentional, and the GoalTracker app on my phone was a huge help keeping me on track. Unfortunately, I didn't accomplish everything quite to my maximum potential as I had hoped. I used to think that only partially meeting my goals meant that I had failed. This year though, I've realized that even only partially meeting my goals still means progress. Here's how: For My Family: Spend 2 hours per month with each child Okay, well this didn't…

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If You Could Describe 2014 in One Word…

...what would it be? I've loved to ask this question for the past several years; I love to hear the answers that my friends and family have to give.  Some years are hard.  Others are wonderful.  I love to hear the stories that come with them. At the beginning of 2014, my one word was intentional. And it was intentional.  I met or came closer to meeting a lot of my goals, because I was intentional. But this year, I'd ultimately have to describe 2014 as transformational. We had pest control out to our house numerous times (an embarrassing yet…

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My Favorite {FREE!} Planning Tools for 2015

Well 2015 is only a few days away, and if you haven't started planning for next year, now's the time!  I've compiled a list of some of my favorite free resources for making resolutions, setting goals, keeping up with your goals, and reviewing 2014. 2014 Year in Review | 30 Handmade Days 2015 Resolution Printable | Art Bar 52-Week Money Saving Challenge | Fresh and Organized Dream Big Goal Setting Printable | Mama's Got It Together Monthly Goal-Setting Printable | Making the Most Blog Weekly Goal-Setting Printable | Making the Most Blog What are some of your favorite goal-setting printables…

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Reading List Review: Looking Ahead to 2015

First of all, I wanted to say that I hope each of you had a very merry Christmas and that you are looking ahead with excitement to the new year! I wanted to share with you a brief review of the books I read in 2014 and what's on my list in 2015.  Keep watching for in-depth book reviews coming up in the new year. Beginning in 2014, I took some time each Sunday to read.  Now, I still had interruptions from the kids, but I still got some reading time in.  And somehow, toward the end of the year,…

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Christmas Plans

So I don't know about you, but our household is already excited for the holiday!  With tonight being Christmas Eve, I hope you have all of your shopping completed and that you're not rushing about trying to get things finished.  If you are, I hope everything is ready in time! We've already begun tracking Santa's trip around the world with Google's Santa Tracker app, I've been defrosting a turkey, and we are looking forward to visiting with my parents tonight, attending our church's Christmas Eve service, and then stopping by a friend's house for their annual Christmas Eve party. Santa…

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