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Good Enough

All of my life, I've struggled feeling good enough. There have been times where I've been pretty confident and happy, felt pretty, skinny, good at something. But mostly...not good enough. And to be honest, I've felt okay lately. Not necessarily on top of things, but enough. Until yesterday. And I don't know exactly why or exactly when, or exactly what...but there it was again. Have you ever felt not good enough? Maybe it's that I'm in the process of putting together a book, and I'm unqualified. Or maybe that it's that I don't string my words together quite as beautifully…

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Scripture Sunday: Hebrews 12:1

Run. Run hard.  And don't give up. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up.  And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." - Hebrews 12:1

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Week in Review: Week of December 28, 2014

Well of course I forgot to post my goals last week.  Well, I don't know if I actually forgot, but moreso I just didn't have time.  I'm on a roll this week, though.  So here are my goals for next week. Spiritual: Devotions (4/7) Mental:  Read 30 minutes 1 hour me time   Physical: Exercise 1 day No seconds Family: Devotions with Prince Charming (1/7) Devotions with Rapunzel & Princess Anna (1/7) Spend 1 hour with Prince Charming Spend time with Princess Anna (more this afternoon) Spend time with Rapunzel Career: 2 blog posts Complete dailies at church Redirect one…

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Faith {One Word}

As you may remember, my "one word" for last year was "intentional." One word is a trend that began in 2009 as an alternative to new year's resolutions and a focus on a one-word theme for your year.  "One word you can focus on every day, all year long… One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live...It will become the compass that directs your decisions and guides your steps." This year, my word is "faith." At the end of the month, our family will be experiencing some changes, as my husband has felt…

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Here We Go Again (Goals 2015)

Well happy new year!  I hope everyone brought in the new year with a bang and that you're looking forward to a fresh, new start in 2015. I've always been one to make resolutions, so it comes without saying that I would make some this year; however, I do hate calling them resolutions.  Even though a resolution is just a "resolve" to do something, there is a common problem with New Year's Resolutions, and that's that most of them are not kept.  If I call them goals and treat them as such, I feel I will have a much better…

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