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Monthly Cleaning Checklist {FREE PRINTABLE!}

My goal for Tuesdays this year is for "Tips and Tricks". Today I wanted to post a free printable along with it! At the end of 2014 (I know, it wasn't that long ago...), I was browsing through some month-by-month cleaning lists. Most of them were cute, but not realistic for me. Either they didn't call for cleaning the kitchen quite as much as I thought was necessary or they required way more than humanly possible. So I took what I liked from each of them and made what I believe is a more realistic month-by-month cleaning list. In fact,…

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Uncle Tom’s List

Today I'm feeling a bit down.  Not on the outside of course, but there's just a damper on my heart that's bringing me down.  It's just that there was an accident this weekend, which killed a friend of my stepdaughters.  She was in high school.  While we weren't close to her family, as a mom, you just can't help but to feel sad.  For her family.  For the situation.  For the loss of potential.  For the loss of a vibrant life.  And I sit here wishing I could help but not knowing how.  There just aren't words. This all just…

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Work in Progress Wednesday: A New FundRazr Campaign

Today I have gone back into working on fundraising.  In less than a year I want to be in the process of publishing this book, and i am in need of funding to publish it with Westbow Press. I have received great advice from loving friends and family who encourage self-publishing; however, Westbow Press will allow me to receive professional assistance, free copies of the book, and a chance to be picked up by Zondervan. The last time I tried to fundraise for publishing, I held lofty goals.  I'm being a little more realistic this time, shooting for the $2,000…

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Tips and Tricks Tuesday: Miracle Wash your Pillows!

First of all, I have a confession to make. The bed in this picture is not mine. My room isn't nearly this fancy, and my bed surely doesn't look this nice. Ha! I chose this picture, because today I wanted to work on some cleaning and I was working on the bedrooms. I had some extra time that fell into my schedule, and I have started both a month-by-month cleaning list as well as a 31 Days to a Clean House list just this month. I'm a bit behind on the 31 Days to a Clean House, but a lot…

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