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Week in Review: Week of January 18, 2015

I sure don't know what happened to this week.  I've had a bit of a cold since Tuesday, so my brain is a little foggy.  I can't seem to remember if I accomplished much.  And I wasn't very motivated either.  Still not.  I hope you got more done than I did!  Here's what I accomplished this week: Spiritual: Devotions (4/7) Mental: Read 30 minutes Spend 1 hour to myself Physical: Exercise 2 days No seconds (hey--slow and steady wins the race!) Serving sizes Family: Devotions with Prince Charming (1/7) (Plan for tonight!) Devotions with babies (1/7) 1 hour with Prince…

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Work in Progress Wednesday: 31 Days to a Clean House

Okay, I have to say I just got really distracted by the fact that my blog platform now offers scheduled posts, and I am happier than the happiest clam. You know you're a blogger... ...anyway, the real reason I'm writing today. It's Work in Progress Wednesday! I always feel like I have a thousand projects, but they're boring little household things that probably will put you to sleep. Or you'll just commiserate. Or both. But this week I've been focusing a little bit more on my 31 Days to a Clean House project. Click on that link to get to…

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Hi, My Name is Martha

Hospitality isn't my forte. I mean, I like to throw parties and all, and I throw at least one a year at Christmastime. I've planned birthday parties for my kids, I planned my dad's 50th, and I organized my 10-year high school reunion. And I've been told that my guests enjoy themselves (or that's what they say at least). But really I'm not a great hostess. Ask my mom. My sister and I are like night and day. Go over to my sister's house; her house might not be the most organised, but she'll drop everything to spend time with…

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Week in Review: Week of January 11, 2015

I don't know about you, but my week went by REALLY fast!  Thankfully I was able to get just about everything done that I needed to do.  Unfortunately, we had a few things throw a wrench in my plans, as is life.  But we made it through another week, and I'll just try again next week.  I'm still not used to having extra time yet.  It just seems like things keep getting in the way; however I was excited to have an extra day at the gym this week.  Woohoo!  Well, we'll see how this week progresses.  Here's how I…

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Work in Progress Wednesday: My New Office

Welcome to Work in Progress Wednesday! I'm finding myself now with a lot of time on my hands since I have begun to train my replacement at work. My hours have been cut back from 20 to 10 weekly, so now my afternoons are open to do...well...whatever. Anyone who knows me though knows I have a hard time sitting around doing nothing, so I've been hard at work on the blog, taking care of the housework, and trying to spend more intentional time with the kids. This week, I'm excited to share with you my new work in progress! Since…

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