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Reading List Review: August 2016

This month, I have to say I'm pretty pleased with the amount of reading I accomplished, considering I started late.  I probably started really reading again around the middle of the month and really got a lot done.  So without further ado.. Here's what I read during the month of August (click links for the review): Heart Made Whole: Turning Your Unhealed Pain Into Your Greatest Strength by Christa Black Gifford Giddy-Up Eunice: Because Women Need Each Other by Sophie Hudson Chase the Lion by Mark Batterson What I'm Reading Now: Undefiled: Redemption From Sexual Sin, Restoration for Broken Relationships by…

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How to Improve Your Lifestyle One Day at a Time

Happy September! I can't believe we're so far into the year. School has started, and before you know it we'll be into next year wondering where the end of 2016 went. I don't know what it is about September--maybe the fact that a new school year feels like a fresh start--or the fact that the end of the year is quickly approaching and we've so much to catch up on...but it feels like a good month to get back into the swing of things. And not just for me. But for you too. Because September is Self-Improvement Month. Because it's…

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Defeating the Cycle of “Stinkin Thinkin” and Learned Emotions

Hi, I am Stephanie, and I am my own worst enemy. I am harsh, demanding, and critical of myself.  I will put myself down and call myself horrible names. My mood changes rapidly, depending on how I think someone thinks about me. I am easily offended.  On any given day, I can rotate between feelings of shame, unworthiness, and loneliness. I care what people think of me.  I care so much what people think of me that I do my best to live up to certain expectations but fall short EVERY TIME. Sweet friends, please tell me I am not alone in this thinking!…

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Back to School Recap

Ahh, relief.  That's the feeling I get when all of the back-to-school insanity has died down somewhat--when we start to get into a routine again.  (P.S. I love routine.) Now that meet-the-teacher nights are over, we just have our daily routines to worry about, and the kids are now getting used to going back to school and haven't been fighting it as much as they were last year. This year I've decided to blog early in the morning (5 AM), so I have uninterrupted time to work on my passion.  Eventually the kids wake up, and we all get ready…

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Goal Setting: Week of August 28, 2016

Well, the kids started school this week, and thanks to that I got SO much done this week!  Not that I don't love my kids, because I do; I just get lots more done when they're not arguing or complaining that they're hungry.  ha!  (Or you know, making a mess of what I just cleaned.)  So I'm definitely pleased with how things worked out this week, and I hope next week I get just as much done!  (No pressure or anything.) Here's what I accomplished this week. Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (1/7) Work on Becoming a Woman of…

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