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Beauty Begins

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a percentage of each sale when you make a purchase using these links; however, I fully support and recommend each of these products.  You can view my full disclosure policy here. Ever since fifth grade, I've struggled with low self-esteem.  I've had difficulty with my weight off and on ever since I can remember, and I have a tendency to equate my weight with how beautiful I am.  Yet, even when I'm thin I still feel ugly.  I guess that's what happens after years of being picked on at school when your skin isn't quite…

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Wrapping Up the Summer Bucket List

I can't believe summer vacation is almost over. For many of you, summer vacation has already come to an end; your kids have been in school for a week or more already, and you are back into the swing of the school year. Where I'm at, we start just before Labor Day (why we don't start after Labor Day, I don't know). Just three days before my birthday, I'll ship my kids back out to school. While I'll be thrilled to have my kids back in school again so I can work, at the same time I am feeling somewhat…

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Reading List Review: June-July 2016

I have to admit, I'm pretty disappointed with the amount of reading I accomplished between June and July--or lack thereof.  All of these side hustles I've been working on leave me little time for reading.  I'm finishing up the most time-consuming one next week, though, so hopefully my next review will be a little longer. Here's what I actually got around to between June and July: The Longing in Me by Sheila Walsh Beauty Begins: Making Peace with Your Reflection by Chris Shook & Megan Shook Alpha What I'm Reading Now: Undefiled: Redemption From Sexual Sin, Restoration for Broken Relationships by Harry…

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August 2016 Monthly Menu (FREE Printable!)

As is my usual, I've put together a monthly menu for the month of August.  Feel free to use my menu as your own or modify it to fit your needs.  And as always, if some of the recipes from this month's menu sound like something you'd like to try, just let me know and I'll send you the link.  And if you're lucky, I'll post a recipe or two from the menu to share with you. Enjoy!

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10 (Personally Tested!) Ways to Earn an Income from Home

About one year and four months ago, I left my traditional part-time job to pour myself into the writing of my very first book, Courageous: Living the Fearless Life God Intended, which released on April 29, 2016. Since the completion of the book (actually since before I started it, now that I think about it), I have been seeking various ways to earn an income that doesn't not involve traditional full-time work outside the home. The ultimate dream is to start investing in stocks, but we will need some help from Stocktrades before we try that! We tried that before,…

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