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Giddy Up

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a percentage of each sale when you make a purchase using these links; however, I fully support and recommend each of these products.  You can view my full disclosure policy here. Have you ever read a book whose title made you chuckle?  Whose title made you imagine funny things?  A book whose very cover is light-hearted and almost breezy and easy on the eyes?  You can see from the image on the right that Giddy Up, Eunice has one of those titles and one of those covers.  You just have to read it, because you…

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September 2016 Monthly Menu (FREE Printable!)

As is my usual, I've put together a monthly menu for the month of September.  Feel free to use my menu as your own or modify it to fit your needs.  And as always, if some of the recipes from this month's menu sound like something you'd like to try, just let me know and I'll send you the link.  And if you're lucky, I'll post a recipe or two from the menu to share with you. Enjoy!

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2016 Super Summer Recap

Now that the kids are on their second day of school, I can officially conclude that Super Summer 2016 is now complete. This summer wasn't exactly what I expected. Having said that, I didn't accomplish a lot of the things that I wanted to, and we didn't get to do a lot of things that were on our bucket list. All this makes me feel slightly disappointed in myself, but I have to remember that the side hustle I was working on took up a lot of my time which made it impossible to do all that I set out…

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5 Ways to Give at Back-to-School Time

I am so looking forward to this Sunday. This Sunday is our outdoor service, our church picnic, and most importantly, the blessing of the backpacks--a service we've had ever since before I even joined the church 9 years ago. This is no ordinary church event. During the Sunday school hour, of course the kids play games, eat snacks, and learn about Jesus, all of which are typical for Sunday School. But they also are given the time to go through an assembly line of school supplies, which includes (but is not limited to): pens, pencils, crayons, colored pencils, scissors, erasers,…

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Goal Setting: Week of August 21, 2016

Whew!  I'm finally finished with one of the side hustles I was running, and now I actually have a little bit of time to sit down and write (though I am still catching up on sleep!).  Now that that's over and school is almost here, I've been getting a bit more done and trying to develop a routine for when school is officially back in session.  That being said, while not all of my goals have been typical, I have accomplished a decent amount of things lately.  Here's what's good: Spiritual: Devotions (5/7) Designated prayer time (1/7) Mental: Journal (1/7)…

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